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The Rapture and the Judgments
The study of Articles 23. The bodily resurrection of the dead, 24. The reality of heaven, involving divine assurance of eternal happiness for the redeemed of God and 25. The reality of hell, involving everlasting punishment of the incorrigible wicked.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Stedfast in the Faith
A REVIEW of the Faith wherein we stand, as set forth by the 25 Articles of the Doctrinal Statement.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

World Wide Missions Urgent
The study of Article 16. World wide missions according to the Great Commission which Christ gave His Church.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Church Ordinances
The study of Articles 12. Water baptism to be administered to believers only and by divine authority as given to Missionary Baptist churches, 21. We believe that baptism to be valid must be administered by the authority of a true scriptural Missionary Baptist church, and we believer that a so-called Baptist church which knowingly receives alien immersion is not a scriptural Baptist church, and its ordinances are not valid and 13. The Lord's Supper as a church ordinance isi to be administered to baptized believers only and in scriptural church capacity.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Church Cooperation
The study of Articles 18. That all scriptural churches should ever be held as equal units as to their rights and privileges in their associated capacity. 19. That all scriptural associational assemblies and their committees are servants of the churches. 20. That we brand as unscriptural open communion, alien baptism, pulpit affiliation with heretical ministers, unionism, modernism, modern conventionism, one-church dictatorship, and all kindred evils arising from these practices.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Eternal Security
The study of the Article 14. Eternal Security of the believer.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Church Established
The study of Articles 15. Establishment of a visible church by Christ Himself during His personal ministry on earth and 17. Perpetuity of Missionary Baptist churches from Christ's day on earth until His second coming.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Coming Judgments
Every person  will face God in judgment.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Final States
Hell is the destiny of every lost person; heaven will be the eternal abode of all the saved.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

God and His Word
The study of Articles 1. The Trinity of God, 2. The infallible and plenary verbal inspiration of the Scriptures, and 3. The Biblical account of creation.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Satan and the Fall of Man
The study of Articles 4. The personality of Satan and 5. Hereditary and total depravity of man in his natural state involving his fall in Adam.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Son
The study of Articles 6. The virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ, 8. His bodily resurrection and ascension back to His Father, 7. Christ's blood atonement for fallen man.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Holy Spirit
The study of Article 9. The person and work of the Holy Spirit.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Purchased Salvation
The study of Articles 10. Justification before God by faith without any admixture of works and 11. Separation of God's children from the world.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Church Ordinances
Baptism and the Lord's Supper are the only New Testament church ordinances.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Lord's Day
The first day of the week should be a time of public and private devotion.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Civil Government
Christianity promotes good citizenship.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Second Coming of Christ
Jesus is coming to the earth again.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The One True God
People should reverence and serve the one true God.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

God's Written Word
God's inspired Word is the supreme standard for living.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Fall of Man
Mankind is depraved by nature and sinful by choice.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Way of Salvation
Salvation is wholly by grace through faith.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Eternally Secure
The saved person is eternally secure because he has been saved through the power of the eternal God.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Law and Gospel Harmonized
The law expresses God's holiness and man's sinfulness; the gospel announces a hope for man's victory through Christ.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

The Church
The church is Christ's body; He is her head.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Diligent Service: Home Life
To note tat Christian service involves the home life as specifically as if does service in the church.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Diligent Service: Social Life
To note that we are scripturally admonished to care about what other think of us.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Diligent Service: Business Life
To consider sone of the fruitful principles by which one may render diligent service in forwarding the kingdom of our Savior.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

Peace Seekers
To realize that the Bringer of Peace would have His followers to seek and pursue peace.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021

My Brother's Keeper
To further the realization that He who gave the privilege of the Gospel to the world gave the privileges of active fellowship to His church.
By: Lifeword
Aired on May 30, 2021